Friday, February 5, 2010

Watch out for the Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm Pictures, Images and Photos

I try to tip-toe my opinion as to not step on the toes of my readers, but any of you whom are donating or even supporting the idiots over at National Organization for Marriage are as bad as they are. What is even more funny is that one of my so-called friends sent me an e-mail (which I am assuming was by mistake)asking me to sign a petition to stop President Obama and Congress from repealing DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Why on god's green planet does this friend think I would sign a piece of shit like that. Does she not listen to the fucking words that come out of my mouth. well let me put it as clearly as I can for everyone. I am a homosexual and I am for marriage equality for EVERYONE!!!!!

Now lets take some of the wonderful statements from this piece of shit petition and analyze them. The first statement that I found issue with is this. "In fact, President Obama's campaign—and those of the liberals who lead Congress—was in great part bankrolled by a small, zealous network of Hollywood liberals and gay activists." I am not sure how many gay activist you know, but most of the ones I do know personally do not have the funds to bankroll the president and all of those liberals in Congress. Second of all, as National Organization for Marriage and other right-winged organizations have proven, even if you throw money behind a candidate it doesn't mean he or she will get elected. Should I point out that they bankrolled Sarah Palin and where did it get her!!!!!

Next statement; "While you and I concentrate on raising our families, paying our taxes, and going to church, this elite has been plotting to take away our right to define marriage as a husband and a wife . . . and then to use legalized gay marriage to indoctrinate our children and violate our religious freedoms. " WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! So us sinning homosexuals don't concentrate on raising our families, paying our taxes, and even going to church (yes even homosexuals go to church)!!!! Oh no according to these wack jobs, we are probably sitting in cold dark rooms plotting ways to ruin their marriages (like their adultery or abuse isn't doing that for them), indoctrinate their children into our sick world of sin. We are even going to force them to give up the religious freedoms they so cowardly hide behind and can only defend parts of because the rest doesn't interest them. I am sorry to inform those of my readers whom believe like them, but us homosexuals do concentrate on our families every day. And just because you might not think that we are a family doesn't make us less of one. Us homosexuals pay our taxes like everyone else. Some of us even attend church on a regular basis. The one thing I will have to agree with you on is that some of us are fighting to change the definition of marriage, but not to take your rights away but to add our rights as an American citizen to it. Lastly, drop the scare tactics! Homosexuals are not going to indoctrinate your children, if anyone is going to do anything to your child it is a good bet it is either going to be either you or their uncle Fred.

This next statement makes me laugh; "They will attack anyone who gets in their way as a bigot—and try to strip them of their rights." Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that exactly what the National Organization for Marriage is doing to the Homosexual community? I mean they attack us by saying that we are going to indoctrinate their children, they deny us the same legal protection under the law. To them we are second class citizens whom don't deserve the same rights as them.

"Without DOMA, more school kids will be taught that people who think marriage is between a husband and a wife are bigots." Again with the fucking fear mongering. They need to stop being bigots themselves, the hypocrites! So it is okay to teach your children that it is alright to hate homosexuals, but it isn't alright to teach them to be open minded about people whom may be different then themselves. That makes no sense to me!

And the last statement is; "The vast majority of Americans agree with us. They don't want marriage redefined—or children indoctrinated. But we must TELL Congress NOT to ABOLISH the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), or the "loud minority" of anti-marriage bullies will win." I will agree with the statement that the vast majority of Americans do agree with them, but not because they are well educated on the subject but because they fear change. Most people give into the fear mongering these bigoted assholes use like them reiterating that homosexuals want to indoctrinate their children. I guess my second grade teacher was right when she told us that if you say something enough times you will start to believe it to be true. Oh I also LOVE in this statement that us members of the GLBT community and our straight allies are being called the "loud minority". Of course we are being loud, they are denying us the same rights that they have and we are not going to sit back anymore and let it go on any longer.

So in case anyone is still wondering on where I stand let me say this. I am a member of the "loud minority" and we are coming to blow the mother fucking roof off of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) because we are so fucking sick and tired of being treated like some second class citizen you thing you can bully around. So I am encouraging all my friends and family whom know me and support me to contact the National Organization for Marriage and let them know that we are tired of their fear mongering and we are not going to sit idly by while they try to deny us our rights.


P.S. Below the two videos is the contact information for the National Organization for Marriage.

This is the real ad ran by the National Organization for Marriage:

This is the parody of the ad:

National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
Phone: (609) 688-0450
Fax: (888) 894-3604

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Truth About The Sactity of Marriage

I know I have some readers whom believe that GLBT people should have the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts. I also know that I have some whom are more religiously inclined and object to gay marriage on biblical grounds. I know one thing for certain, that the institution of marriage needs rescuing. But surprise it is not from gay marriage!

Heterosexuals do not need any help from the GLBT community on destroying marriage; they have already done an admirable job of it themselves. Marriage is continuing to decline here in the United States not because of the issue of gay marriage, but because heterosexuals do not want to discuss how they can shore up what they consider the most vital of all social institutions.

Look at the statistics; they say that not even 10 percent of our population is GLBT, yet more than 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Even before the GLBT community come out demanding the right to marry, the institution of marriage was already on a downslide. As the GLBT community is fighting for the right to marry their partners, heterosexuals leave their marriages when life gets to tough.

So please my heterosexual readers, stop blaming the decline of your institution of marriage on the GLBT community. You need to look internally at your own community and fix the real issues that are attacking the sanctity of marriage, because everyone knows that it isn’t the GLBT community, but rather the heterosexuals self doubts and concerns about their own marriages.