Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Looking for Role Models!!!

I know I haven't wrote to you all in a long time. But just last night I was sitting in my bedroom and I started to wonder what is it that we (gay activist) actually wanted? The biggest thing we want is full federal equality, that is a given. But I believe that we are also looking for modern day role models, people who will inspire a new generation just like Cleve Jones and Harvey Milk inspired us. We want these new role models to give us that extra bit of encouragement that allows us to push ourselves to achieve more.

But then I started to wonder how we as grassroots activist might actually respond to someone whom comes across as the perfect role model, someone like my favorite superhero Superman. Would a real life Superman make us sick or would we want to be more like him. The decision isn't totally clear because as a society we rather watch people fail; rather than celebrating their achievements. So knowing how as a society how we act, would we want this modern day Superman to join our cause for full equal protection under the law for all citizens of this great land if he offered help us? I myself say yes, because I already know of some people whom fit this bill.

But what made me write this post is the thought of what is stopping you from becoming a role model yourself? Do most of you believe that if you put yourself out there that you will probably fail anyway? I thought that myself, once upon a time. Yet now I am out there on the streets, fighting to make a difference. I am no longer just one voice whispering in the wind, but am part of a collective of voices demanding to be heard. So I encourage you to come join me in my fight for full federal equality.

If you live in the Chicagoland area feel free to contact me and come join me march in the pride parade as part of the Join The Impact Chicago's Activist Contingent. We are meeting up at 11:30 am on Sunday June 27th.